Asiya Nasir


First things first, I’m not just your average blogger – I’m a proud mom of two amazing kids who constantly inspire me to create a warm and nurturing environment. With over 12 years of experience in the home textile manufacturing industry, I’ve had the privilege of learning the ins and outs of turning a house into a harmonious haven.

Passion and Expertise

My journey started with the love for textures, fabrics, and colors, which naturally extended to understanding the essence of home and garden design. Over the years, I’ve cultivated a deep knowledge of home decor trends that not only look stunning but also transform spaces into reflections of personality and style

Beyond the Threshold

But hey, life isn’t just about four walls and a roof, right? My love for traveling has taken me across the globe – from the enchanting streets of Europe to the breathtaking landscapes of North America, the vibrant cultures of Asia, and the fascinating tapestry of the Middle East. These journeys have not only widened my horizons but also allowed me to incorporate diverse elements into my design philosophy.

Meet the Team

Gina Mat


Hey there, I’m Gina Mat, and I’m all about turning living spaces into havens of comfort and style. Hailing from New York, my journey as an interior design and home decor enthusiast has been a delightful adventure of blending creativity with functionality. With a passion for transforming four walls into personalized sanctuaries, I find joy in uncovering the beauty in every nook and cranny. From scouting thrift stores for hidden gems to experimenting with color palettes that tell unique stories, I’m on a mission to make home decor a reflection of individuality. Through my writing, I hope to share practical tips, personal anecdotes, and the sheer joy that comes with curating spaces that feel like home. Join me on this exciting journey of turning houses into homes, one decor detail at a time!

Mishaal Noor


Hey, I’m Mishaal Noor and I’m all about embracing the beauty of life through lifestyle and travel. Based in Chicago, my passion lies in exploring the world and discovering the magic in everyday moments. Whether it’s savoring local cuisines in hidden alleys or finding serenity in the midst of bustling markets, I believe that life’s richness is found in the details. Through my writing, I aim to inspire others to seek adventure, embrace diverse cultures, and find joy in the simplicity of a well-lived life. Join me as I navigate the intersection of wanderlust and daily living, sharing stories, tips, and the occasional misadventure that makes the journey all the more memorable. Life is an adventure, and I’m here to savor every chapter, one passport stamp at a time.

Ruth Suzain

Lifestyle Editor

I’m Ruth, a freelance author and writer with a passion for lifestyle, home, and garden topics. I love weaving stories that turn everyday moments into captivating narratives, giving readers a unique perspective on the art of living well. I’m based in the United States, and my work is a blend of diverse influences that add a multicultural touch to my writing. Whether it’s sharing practical tips on sustainable living or delving into the impact of intentional design on well-being, I’m all about creating harmonious spaces within homes and gardens. You can find my portfolio across various online platforms, reflecting my commitment to delivering content that’s both informative and inspiring. Join me on this journey, and let’s explore creative and thoughtful approaches to enhancing lifestyle through the beauty of home and garden aesthetics.


Adina Ban


Hey, I’m Alex, a tech and finance enthusiast on a perpetual quest to decode the digital and financial landscapes. Based in the hustle and bustle of New York, I find joy in demystifying the complexities of technology and finance for everyday folks. Whether it’s dissecting the latest gadget or unraveling the intricacies of investment strategies, I’m here to make these seemingly daunting realms a bit more relatable. With a background in both tech and finance, I bring a unique perspective to the table, aiming to bridge the gap between the two worlds. Through my writing, I share insights, tips, and the occasional tech-induced headache, hoping to empower others to navigate the ever-evolving intersection of technology and finance with confidence. Join me as we navigate the digital and financial landscapes together, one algorithm and investment at a time. Cheers to making sense of the tech and finance jargon!

Let’s Connect!

Remember, this is not a one-way street. I’m here to share, learn, and grow with you. Have a question about a recent blog post? Curious about a particular decor trend? Or maybe you just want to chat about your recent gardening endeavors? Don’t hesitate to reach out – your thoughts and questions are the heart and soul of this blog.

So, whether you’re a fellow parent looking for practical home solutions, a design enthusiast eager to transform your space, or simply someone who loves the cozy feeling of a warm kitchen and a thriving garden, you’re in the right place.

Thank you for being here, and I can’t wait to embark on this exciting journey of creating beautiful, functional, and soulful spaces – together!

Asiya Nasir

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